Form and Rate Filing Overview
The Louisiana Department of Insurance's rate, rule and form filing requirements are set forth in the LDI's online Product Filing Matrix. Most rates, rules and forms are submitted to the LDI by way of the System for Electronic Rate and Form Filing (SERFF). LDI also accepts paper filings.
LDI Regulation 78 mandates and outlines policy form filing requirements for Life, Health, Property and Casualty policy forms.
Property and Casualty
The LDI Office of Property and Casualty is charged with the task of reviewing and issuing dispositions on behalf of the Commissioner of Insurance relative to requests for changes in rates, rules and forms made by property and casualty insurance companies. In regards to the task of rate review and approval, the Commissioner and the OPC staff must review the rates to ensure that all proposed rates are not excessive, inadequate or unfairly discriminatory. As for policy form review and approval, OPC staff reviews all proposed changes in forms for compliance with applicable statutes, rules and regulations.
The LDI Office of Health reviews proposed health insurance rate filings from health insurance issuers for compliance with state and federal laws and to determine actuarial justification. The LDI does not have approval authority over health insurance rates. The Division of Health Forms reviews all health benefit form filings including Medicare supplemental filings for compliance with applicable statues, rules and regulations. Our staff can provide details on filing procedures, fees and status requests on pending filings. Our staff also performs annual surveys and audits to determine the appropriate amount of accident and health insurance premiums subject to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) assessment.
Life and Annuities
The Division of Life and Annuities analyzes all life insurance, annuity and long-term care contract form filings based on compliance or noncompliance with the Louisiana Insurance Code. Our staff enforce industry compliance with consumer protection regulations.